A mid-point review of the National Alcohol Strategy

A mid-point review of the National Alcohol Strategy

In December 2019, the Australian Government released the National Alcohol Strategy 2019-2028 (the Strategy). The Strategy aims to prevent and minimise alcohol-related harms in Australia, including by targeting a 10% reduction in harmful alcohol use.

The Strategy outlines steps for measuring progress, including the publication of annual activity reports, and identifies a range of indicators and baseline data to measure reductions in alcohol use and harms. However, to date, there has been no demonstration of progress being made under the Strategy.

Given this lack of public monitoring or reporting, Alcohol Change Australia decided to undertake a review to determine if progress is being made and to identify opportunities for action for the remaining four years of the Strategy. This report aims to provide a mid-point review of the Strategy by bringing together a range of data sources and identifying any shifts in alcohol use and harms in Australia since the release of the Strategy in 2019.

Download the full report.